Persone che ti caricano e persone che ti scaricano. Il bilancio delle energie relazionali.

dal testo

Il potenziale umano. Metodi e tecniche di coaching e training per lo sviluppo delle performance

Di Daniele Trevisani, Copyright

È essenziale che vi sia consapevolezza di come le energie personali sono quotidianamente caricate o scaricate dal contatto con gli altri, e cosa accade nel nostro bilancio energetico personale.

Poter modificare e cambiare la rete di energie relazionali che ci circonda, è un grande atto di assertività. Questo può anche richiedere di tagliare i ponti con alcune persone, o cercare di modificare un rapporto che ci sta consumando o distruggendo, o anche solo una relazione che richiede troppa energia rispetto alle nostre volontà, e non ce ne lascia per altri spazi di vita.

Vediamo un altro esempio grafico di network relazionale nello schema seguente:

Figura 5 – Rete energetica personale

È facile osservare come il bilancio complessivo possa essere favorevole o sfavorevole per il proprio “conto energetico personale”. Se non si tiene conto di come funziona la propria rete, è facile comprendere come una persona possa uscire svuotata da una giornata o da un tempo speso all’interno di un gruppo nel quale troppe persone drenano energie, e poche ne apportano.

Il benessere relazionale di una società o gruppo proviene anche dalla reciprocità complessiva, per cui è sbagliato interpretare le energie relazionali solo a proprio vantaggio. Nella vita di relazione, e nei team, è produttivo e indispensabile porsi l’obiettivo etico del “dare” energie e non solo riceverle.


Principio 15 – Energie delle reti relazionali

Le energie mentali diminuiscono o si esauriscono quando:

  • L’individuo entra in relazione con singoli soggetti o più soggetti con i quali la relazione stessa risulta difficile/sgradevole e assorbe energie;
  • la relazione con soggetti che assorbono energie è prolungata o troppo frequente rispetto alle possibilità di recupero personale;
  • la relazione con soggetti ricaricanti e positivi è assente, ridotta, o infrequente;
  • sono assenti relazioni equilibrate e dotate di reciprocità.


Le energie mentali aumentano quando:

  • l’individuo apprende a staccare o distanziare il proprio rapporto con persone le quali assorbono le proprie energie in modo negativo e distruttivo;
  • l’individuo apprende a costruire reti di relazione selettive con persone la cui frequentazione e rapporto induce ricarica di energie mentali e positività;
  • viene ricercato un buon livello di equilibrio e di reciprocità nelle relazioni;
  • l’individuo riesce a costruire o sviluppare una rete di relazioni entro un gruppo le cui energie sono positive ed elevate (E-Group), traendone linfa vitale ed energia.


Il problema che poniamo qui va oltre quello della reciprocità: si può dare tanto anche a chi non ha nulla da restituire, e non lo restituirà mai (o quantomeno è scorretto farlo per aspettarsi una ricompensa), facendo ad esempio volontariato sociale.

L’appagamento morale può certamente considerarsi una forma di rientro comunque importante. Tuttavia, nelle relazioni interpersonali in azienda e o nello sport agonistico non si sta facendo volontariato, ma si perseguono obiettivi.

In questi contesti è essenziale porsi il problema di chi sta “rubando” energie, e che strategie o astuzie usa, chi sta dando contributi di energie, quante ne rimangano per i propri scopi personali o professionali. I flussi di energie devono avere una loro giustizia.


dal testo

Il potenziale umano. Metodi e tecniche di coaching e training per lo sviluppo delle performance

Di Daniele Trevisani, Copyright




Il Potenziale Umano entra nel mondo del Fitness, nei Club e nelle vite dei clienti

Il libro Il Potenziale Umano ha aperto una quantità di riflessioni in molti campi. E’ un libro che sta cambiando il modo di intendere il coaching, il fitness e la cultura del wellness nella direzione di un rapporto mente corpo olistico e nuovo.

Così, ieri sera, al Tempio (Ready to Fight, culla storica della Muay Thai a Ferrara) entro e sul bancone d’ingresso trovo la rivista “Il Nuovo Club”, e con grande sorpresa, vedo il tema del Potenziale Umano al centro esatto della copertina… Ma vuoi vedere che si parla del mio libro? Andiamo a vedere, ed in effetti, è così.

Che soddisfazione! Ma anche che sorpresa trovarlo in una palestra di Arti Marziali e Sport da Ring… proprio li dove appena posso mi alleno, e in un campo dove lo scetticismo domina.

Il pensiero è che l’approccio allo sport sia ancora troppo distante dai concetti di crescita personale, mentre i fitness club e chiunque opera nello sport e nel coaching sportivo, se desidera vendere di più e fare un servizio davvero migliore, deve iniziare a vedere la persona nella sua interezza.

Qui un flash di quanto trovato ma ne esporrò uno stralcio dopo le immagini



Per un approfondimento di Fitness Coaching e Potenziale Umano, ecco il mio pensiero connesso al volume

© Dott. Daniele Trevisani – rielaborato dal testo

Il potenziale umano. Metodi e tecniche di coaching e training per lo sviluppo delle performance

Applicazione del Potenziale Umano al Fitness e allo Sport per i Centri Fitness.

I Dieci Comandamenti del LifeCoaching, FitCoaching e approccio al Coaching nel Centro Fitness

  1. Il problema critico di ogni persona e di ogni organizzazione è quello di potersi esprimere (self-expression), sviluppare progetti e idee di cui essere fiero ed orgoglioso (self-achievements), avere pieno accesso e rendere concreto il proprio potenziale personale (self-actualization), e…dare senso alla vita (life-meaning). Se non teniamo in mente questi punti abbiamo sbagliato in partenza. La gente non vuole sollevare pesi per il gusto di farlo o muovere cavi e macchine perchè non sa cosa fare, vuole gustarsi l’esperienza, vuole socializzare, vuole avere un corpo di cui essere fiera. La gente non va in palestra per sentirsi soffocare, vuole respirare. Le persone non cercano macchine per le macchine o corsi per i corsi, vogliono il beneficio che ne deriva, vogliono sentirsi vive… una ragazza non fa aerobica solo per sudare, vuole uscire con le amiche e amici sentendosi più snella. Nel club si cerca socialità, amicizie, uscire dalle 4 mura di casa, sentirsi vivi, avere un posto di sfogo delle tensioni, allontanarsi dallo stress del lavoro, si cerca ascolto o attenzione mentre tutti ti vorrebbero persuadere, si cerca allentamento dalle pressioni. Ognuno ha il proprio sfondo motivazionale diverso. Dobbiamo connetterci con il vero motivo (in profondità) che muove le persone verso i centri fitness, le motivazioni profonde, lo “sfondo pulsionale”, non ignorarlo.
  2. Il LifeCoach aiuta il cliente a fissare gli achievements, a chiarire cosa desidera cosa lo realizza (actualization), ad esprimersi fisicamente e psicologicamente con sessioni allenanti produttive, scelta di discipline e time management settimanale e mensile (fissare goals e rivederli), definire un programma annuale di lavoro o comunque di periodo sufficiente a generare impatto, abbinate uno stile di vita efficace diretto verso i propri obiettivi.
  3. Il nostro potenziale personale è sfuggente, tante volte ci è accanto, senza che noi ce ne accorgiamo nemmeno. Come un seme di una quercia contiene già l’intera pianta, come un ruscello che può diventare fiume, la missione dell’uomo è valorizzare se stesso ed esprimere tutto ciò che di positivo ha da dare. Il coach vede ciò che il cliente può diventare e non solo il cliente come ci appare ora. Vede la statua nel blocco di marmo, aiuta a farla emergere, giorno dopo giorno, con grande passione. Vivere le passioni e vivere con passione è sentire la vita pulsare. Non farlo significa castrarsi da soli, amputarsi, darla vinta alla morte prima del tempo. O, cosa peggiore, perdere senza lottare, dirsi no, da soli. Il LifeCoach vede ogni cliente come un seme di una pianta che curerà con amore, non importa quale sia il suo stato attuale di sviluppo, principiante, agonista, bello, brutto, simpatico, antipatico: è una persona da aiutare in un percorso che il cliente stesso non conosce nemmeno e ancora meno pensa sia possibile. Non può saperne abbastanza di fitness e wellness altrimenti farebbe il coach o il medico. Facciamogli vedere nuovi orizzonti di benessere fisico e mentale, aiutiamolo a raggiungerli.
  4. Essere pienamente umani significa riempire di senso la vita stessa, un dono prezioso, una vita che ci scorre dentro e a lato… come un fiume, che volte non lasciamo fluire, o il cui corso viene strozzato, bloccato… a volte dagli altri, o – quello che è peggio –  da noi stessi. Il LifeCoach individua e si attiva per identificare i blocchi che impediscono al potenziale del cliente di esprimersi. Localizza i ragionamenti improduttivi, le credenze sbagliate (es, non io.., è troppo difficile… non adesso… non lo posso fare a prescindere), sostiene il loro superamento, accompagna, mostra, aiuta, supporta, in altre parole, fa! Agisce sul piano olistico, non solo fisico ma soprattutto psicologico.
  5. Il LifeCoach opera per programmi, traduce un progetto in tempi, fasi, aree di lavoro, sessioni, obiettivi, azione. Non si creano miracoli senza continuità. I LifeCoach non sono “venditori di facilità” ma sono venditori di continuità e puntano alla fidelizzazione, al “ciclo di vita del cliente” e non al suo mese.
  6. Dobbiamo stimolare passione attraverso le sensazioni… le sensazioni allenanti, istante dopo istante, generano la sensazione complessiva di un allenamento. La passione è per ciò che possiamo essere, per le vite che potremmo vivere, per le sensazioni che potremmo avere, passa attraverso la sensazione che la persona ha muovendo il corpo, usando le macchine o i cavi e gli attrezzi, guardandosi allo specchio, valutando i cambiamenti nell’umore con cui esce dalla palestra e persino a come ci si alza la mattina. Il LifeCoach conosce ed individua i metodi motivazionali per far si che il cliente si impegni in un programma almeno annuale di sviluppo e di attività di crescita personale. Agisce per fidelizzare il cliente verso un programma di lungo periodo e non ad un approccio mordi e fuggi. Opera sull’ingegneria delle sensazioni (sensations engineering) per far si che ogni sessione allenante e ogni attività extra-sportiva correlata (alimentazione, riposo, tempo libero), inserita nel programma, offra sensazioni positive e di crescita.
  7. I clienti dei centri fitness vivono un’enorme quantità di aspettative, di sogni psicologici e drammi psicologici associati al vissuto del Centro fitness – essere più belli, stare meglio, diventare più seduttivi, sentirsi giovani, incontrare persone, sentirsi vivi, sentirsi all’altezza dello stare nel Centro – e noi dobbiamo entrare è in contatto con questi sentimenti ed esigenze profonde, non starne alla superficie. La fase d’intervista periodica al Cliente è il metodo fondamentale del coaching, e questa non va condotta solo all’inizio in modo approfondito, ma riproposta a tratti in ogni singola sessione di lavoro (Come senti questo esercizio? Senti lavorare il muscolo? Come è andata questa sessione? Dove senti progressi e dove no?).
  8. Il credo assoluto di un buon LifeCoach e di un buon FitCoach è che ognuno di noi ha un enorme patrimonio di risorse, sia latenti che costruibili attivamente, la sacralità dell’essere umano e il forte bisogno di non sprecare nemmeno una vita, nemmeno un giorno, nemmeno un minuto, in qualcosa che non sia legato ad una visione positiva e di crescita.

La disgrazia del mondo del coaching sta nell’impreparazione. Per essere veramente coach nel campo del wellness, fitness e sport, occorre esperienza sul campo, occorrono competenze psicologiche e competenze relative alle scienze sportive e ai mondi psicologici del Cliente. Qualsiasi sia il punto di partenza di ciascuno (che sarà ad esempio di provenienza atleta, o psicologo, o diplomato in scienze motorie e affini), è indispensabile darsi da fare per procurarsi “l’altro pezzo” di competenze mancanti.

È essenziale inoltre essere padroni di un metodo di lavoro, che nella nostra elabroazione prende il nome di HPM: Human Potential/Performance Modeling, ovvero, dare corpo (modeling) alle potenzialità e alle performance delle persone.

I programmi di formazione sviluppati dall’autore e già disponibili sono finalizzati a questo scopo, ma diamo un’occhiata più da vicino alle sue aree di lavoro.

Il metodo di Sports Coaching e Fitness Coaching HPM concentra l’attenzione su tre aree di lavoro principali:

Figura 1 – Le variabili primarie delle performance e del potenziale su cui agisce il lifecoaching


(1) energie personali: le forze interiori di natura biologica e psicologica, energie fisiche/corporee ed energie psicologiche; il lavoro allenante sul piano fisico e mentale che il coach attiva per il cliente;

(2) competenze: le capacità, abilità (skills), i “saper fare” da generare nel cliente, costruibili tramite preparazione, training, coaching, con l’aiuto di specifiche regie allenanti, regie formative, o regie di cambiamento;

(3) direzionalità: la canalizzazione di energie e competenze del cliente verso “qualcosa” di importante, la ricerca di senso, la visione, causa, lo spirito con cui ci si allena, ideali, volontà, obiettivi, goals, missioni, aspirazioni su di sè o sulla propria vita. In questa viene compreso il senso di orgoglio e di onore per le proprie azioni, le scelte di vivere uno stile di vita legato al fitness o all’essere attivi, e atti di vita, capaci di elevare la persona oltre la mediocrità, il che significa darsi obiettivi e raggiungerli, anche sfidanti, e sul piano esistenziale, come per un padre voler gareggiare con il figlio alla pari, o per una madre sentirsi ancora giovane nell’andare a prendere a scuola il figlio; per un ragazzo sentire il proprio corpo come un aiuto e non un peso, per una ragazza essere sicura di sè, migliorare la propria autostima e la sicurezza in sè, e, non da meno, amare il dono della vita che vive tramite il corpo e rendergli omaggio.

Ci piace dare l’immagine del fatto che un lavoro serio e integrato su queste aree sia una lotta, una battaglia positiva, una guerra all’ignoranza, alla stasi, al pressapochismo, all’ipocrisia, alle catene, all’apatia del vivere spento… un viaggio verso la libertà e l’emancipazione di se stessi e degli altri.

In un mondo apatico, il recupero di uno spirito guerriero e combattivo è quanto mai urgente, soprattutto per cause nobili e positive, come la salute, il benessere fisico e psicologico. Una persona sana e forte psicologicamente e fisicamente è una miniera di energie per la società, è una persona in grado di aiutare, di contribuire, e quindi la nostra causa ha un fine di elevazione sociale importante.

Questo insieme di aree – se deve diventare metodo di lavoro – ha bisogno di strumenti utili per chi agisce come trainer, coach, formatore, psicologo, o counselor, ma anche come manager e leader, chi deve iniettare spirito propulsivo nel centro fitness o in un club sportivo.

Lavorare su se stessi e avere un metodo per farlo è estremamente utile anche per chi decide di agire sul proprio sviluppo personale.


Dott. Daniele Trevisani

Formatore Senior, consulente, Coach, Master of Arts in Communication alla University of Florida (USA). È titolare dell’omonimo studio ed è tra i principali protagonisti della ricerca sul Potenziale Umano. È inoltre esperto in tecniche di coaching e di formazione per la leadership e gli sport di combattimento, fitness e wellness. È stato docente a contratto del corso di Teorie e Tecniche della Formazione della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione dell’Università di Bologna, ed inoltre Mental Trainer in settori agonistici di sport di squadra e arti marziali, istruttore di fitness e direttore di club sportivi. Opera come coach e dirige le attività di formazione formatori e formazione e certificazione di coach nella Scuola di Coaching STEP.

Small Signs prepare Great Stories


International HR, Human Factor and Human Potential Researcher, Writer

© Extracted from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” written by Daniele Trevisani, available on Amazon

Small Signs prepare Great Stories

The interesting view of Human Potential Research is that before achieving great goals, small goals are required. Why does this happen?

The reason lies in the very sense of being deeply human: born fragile, almost powerless, unable to self-sustain. From that point, arriving to a peak where one can be self-sustaining, keep going, look for challenges, and even take care of others, is a great journey.

Struggling for becoming fully functioning and gain the best of what we can be is a sacred journey. Fully expressed potential is not just a matter of performance and tangible goals, it is a value for itself, something that gives a meaning to life.

Most forms or self-handicapping come from the unknown error of listening too much to social expectations. These expectations bring you towards a statically “normal” or average state where you cannot be yourself.

You can express yourself in fields so different as sports, science, cooking, dancing, fighting, running, painting, managing. Or all together.

There is no great genius without some touch of madness.


Do not seek for the “average” path but follow an inspiration, at least one in life in a given period of time, where you feel that you can express yourself.

For any little advancement, a new sense of possibility arises, so that – as for a climber or an explorer – new horizons soon come up in your path step after step, horizons that were formerly unthought-of, or considered too far, too big, too heavy.

This “opening” is generative; it invites individuals and leaders to go ahead, to progress in a further exploration of what at the moment is barely thinkable, and to turn this attitude into advancement for the Self, progress for the family, for a Team, for a Business. Starting from the Self, we can generate progress for a country, up to the entire Humanity.

A semiotic map of what an expectation is, shows some very important connections:

  • Expectation-belief connection: you expect things based on what you believe it is true. What if someone thought you that it is better to win money betting in the financial market rather than working at your skills? What if a company leader holds the belief that the Stock Exchange will be the final moral judge instead of moral values, searching a strong future, choice after choice?
  • Expectation can generate apprehension. Apprehension is the doorway to anxiety, to fear and to terror. When one is not free to make mistakes, when one believes he/she cannot commit a mistake, this will determine a decision block.
  • Well expressed and well defined expectations can generate hope and positive promises
  • If you change your beliefs, you can change your expectations. If as a leader you set some strong beliefs, they will turn into different expectations.
  • Leading people amid the chaos of expectations, beliefs, truth and wisdom, in a stream of confusion, is real leadership.This is the deepest and highest forms of real Human Potential expression.

    Understanding, knowledge, curiosity, holistic interests, trials and errors, perseverance, are all ingredients that start to emerge in the alchemic recipe for a new life.

    It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them.

    They went out and happened to things.

    Leonardo da Vinci


  • © Extracted from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” written by Daniele Trevisani, available on Amazon

There is no Power without Knowledge. Wisdom and “Noesis” for Climbing the mountains of life

Semiotics-for-leaders© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

There is no Power without Knowledge. Wisdom and “Noesis” for Climbing the mountains of life

Even small tasks like making a phone call or going into a bar and interact with someone, can become huge mountains to climb when we are empty of energies. And very often we give up even before trying reaching the first step.

Our view is that it is always worth trying to improve ourselves, we can become alchemists of our personal growth, alchemist for organizations or clients, and deeply inside, researchers.

Researchers do not just look for data. Researchers look for knowledge, meanings, truth, getting rid of fake perceptions. The result of a good research into the truth is “Noesis”, the generation of new patterns of thought, new light, new knowledge that replaces fake or unreal assumptions and truths.

Been rooted in ancient European philosophical texts, we will often pay a tribute to Latin Wisdom, phrases that explain, much deeper that modern “fast and easy” manuals, deep meanings for leadership.

Qui audet adipiscitur

S/he who dares wins

The art and science of accessing and opening the vast amount of hidden human energies has just begun.

Fortunately, a new Science of Human Factor is rising, a science of what Humans can do, achieve, and generate, when functioning at their best.

Any science is based on knowledge. As the following semiotic map depicts, knowledge or “Noesis” is strongly related to Power. Cognition, knowledge, and therefore training, study and research can generate Power

map 01

Having “Power without Knowledge” is like giving a gun to a 1 or 2-years old baby, that will use it as a toy, very likely killing someone by mistake, generating severe damages. Knowledge, instead, can become the instrument for developing and improving the world we live in.

For functioning at our best, we need to take into account the fact that we are made of physical matter (bones, muscles, tissue…) but also have dreams and feelings.

Our intangible states, emotions, our levels of consciousness, our values, desires, memories, assets and skills determine the performance we can achieve, the life we can have, the mountains we can climb, the oceans where we can swim, the landscapes that we will be able to see.

The HPM Exa-leadership Method derives its name from the primary objective of Modeling, giving “shape” to Human Energies, generating power and “crafting” intangible possibilities into real life and real action, as much as an artist gives shape to its distinctive and unique form of art starting from a vague idea.
Semiotics-for-leaders© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

How many energies do we really have? Our Way towards “Powerfulness”

Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

Knowing how many energies we really have, opposed to an out-of-focus picture or distorted perception, is a precious piece of information.
To learn that, we have to acquire new special skills, the skills of “self-focusing”, installing a “mental radar” that scans our deepest “signs” of internal energies, and their flow.
Semiotics therefore is not only a science for external signs, but also a discipline for self-listening and self-improvement.
The “Psychophysiological Flow”, as Ikemi points out, is a concept created by Carl Rogers, founder of the Humanistic Psychology approach, to describe the ‘sensory and visceral experiences’, or the flow of internal sensations that the individual can perceive, experiences that are sometimes aware and sometimes denied from awareness.
We often do not see the signs of stress that our body is giving us. We do not see the level of energies in people around us. We do not perceive the active values in others, they mental maps, despite the many “signs” that we could learn to perceive and interpret.
One of these experiences, in our approach, is the ability to read our “potential energy” as opposed to “supposed energy”. Our perception is distorted by so many external messages on what we can do and we cannot do, that we stop listening to what our soul wishes for us.
Rogers stated that there is an ongoing flow of experiencing inside every human being and that the ability to connect with this flow (become aware of it) and to provide correct labels for the perceived sensations and emotions (process called by Eugene Gendlin “Referencing”) has a direct impact on emotional wellness. A person can turn to it and discover meaning from those experiences.
He also articulates the relationship between words and this flow of experiencing which can be used as a ‘referent’. Matching words and the referent ‘encourages a further flow of the experiencing’ .
As this semiotic map shows, the search for power is a search for potency, effectiveness and strength, but also an opposition to a miserable state of “powerlessness” that ruins so many lives and organizations when faced with really sever challenges.

For this analysis it is important to introduce a new concept: “powerfulness”, the deep sense of being and feeling powerful when confronting our hopes and lifes challenges, feeling a powerful to overcome obstacles, and training every single day to improve our own inner power.

The search for Human Performance has to be connected to higher values, a fight against impotence, powerlessness, conditions of poverty, misery, suffered. In this sense leadership achieves a strong and solid emotional meaning for those who engage in this search and strong ethical values.
The tasks we are able to perform in life, are really deeply linked to the energy level we are able to access and generate.
Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

A new light for observing what Performances really are

Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)


A new light for observing what Performances really are

Getting rid of anxiety, depression, sick moods, is important and is a strong achievement for a good work on Human Potential. But it is not enough. After “cleaning” your machine from any unwanted burden, after fixing it and removing the dust, you might want to race with it, or use it for a wonderful trip to any destination.

The race of life or the trips of life as an opportunity are so many, and the time so little, that it is really worth trying to get rid of any unnecessary dust and burden that are cluttering our energies.

A human potential model aims at reaching positive conditions, as feeling good and full of energy, and considers this condition as a sacred destination for all Human Beings.

The following semiotic map shows that performance can have two very different set of meanings

  1. A demonstration, a sort of “presentation” or show
  2. A form of expression, a contribution.

Our approach is solidly grounding into the second area: performance and leadership as a field of self-expression rather than a mere “packaging”, nice to see but deeply unuseful and empty of values.

performance 2

Leadership has to do with the ability to unveil full Human Potential in the people that work towards a goal and in an organization.

Full Human Potential is a goal to achieve for mankind and for every free soul.

This dimension is not only practical, it becomes spiritual, it goes beyond the individual and reaches families, teams and organizations, or even entire nations and areas. When positive leadership unveils, we see a huge wave of positive energies coming out, projects, advancements, energy that busts the fog that blocks the sight of the positive destiny that every soul was born for.

Every Human Being derives power and performances from the ability to generate the right level of energy for the task – not more (it would be a waste of energy), not less (the task would not be accomplished).
Semiotics for Leadership book cover thumb© Article by Daniele Trevisani, from the book “Semiotics for Leaders” (see in Amazon more details about the book)

What does “Better” mean for you?

enlightmenthuman potentialhuman creativity

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)


If you arrive to a point where you are able to define “better” from a really internal viewpoint, from a novel cleaner way of reasoning, and out of forced cultural or external expectations, you will be very close to wisdom. And if what is “better” for you does not correspond to what the advertising industry is showing, don’t worry. Probably you are on a good path. Express your thoughts freely about what is “better” for you.

Free expression is the base of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human rights, to stifle human nature and to suppress truth.

Liu Xiaobo

When you do so, you are on a good path.

If you do not ask yourself what humans can do with their intelligence and technology, and where we should be headed to, that is like using a supercomputer as a typing machine. Is that real Human Potential?

To bring out the truth of the need to stop and pose difficult life-meaning questions to ourselves and our leaders, is like bearing the flag of freedom in a dictatorship in its central plaza.

I feel that with just one life to spend, I do not want to waste it in lies on things like Human Potential. It is not “fast and easy”, it is a life-long path.

If we do not have a clear idea about what Human Potential is, we will never be Educators, and will never achieve any type of Leadership.

To be the CEO or General Director of an Educational Institution does not make anyone an Expert on Human Potential in Education. It’s just a tag, anyone who has this tag should be proud of it but start after “second 1” to search for the truth of what a “Progress” really is.

Progress, also tends to be very “role-specific”, on example the progress in school grades is usually considered separated from progresses achieved in physical activity, sports and fitness. This separation neglects the unity of Human Potential and the interconnections among all of the human spheres of action. When we find in which field we wish to express ourselves.

A student, scientist or manager that practices sport will also be a better “thinker” since he/she will get rid of stress and have more phisical energies in any field, also intellectually.

For the same “law of interconnectedness inner energies” people who do high-intensity phisical sports will benefit from learning mental techniques on control of mind-states, relaxation, meditation, and similar.

We tend to identify ourselves in one of the several roles interpreted in life, as a one-shot imprinting, without considering that any role is a transition, is momentary and will sooner or later vanish. Being a kid vanishes, being a teenager vanishes, being a student vanishes, every job sooner or later vanishes.

We should look at our identity as a continuously evolving co-presence of several roles, unified by a soul that gives us a life purpose, a solid root of which we can be more or less aware.

For this reason the work on Human Potential must include both a work at the very “low level” of the body, a research at the “intermediate level” of skills and abilities, and a work at the very “high level” of values, life-dreams and core beliefs.

The tags Low, middle, and high, do not imply here a judgment, but the position along the continuum from tangible Human Factor issues (e.g., body power) to intangible issues (such as, the strength of personal values).

When an individual – or an entire group of people – increase their energy levels, new challenges become possible, new ways of being do emerge from the darkness and the unknown, and new forms of leadership arise.

Taking full consciousness of our self-potential and fight for reaching it, is a blessed mission, a sacred operation that goes beyond the numeric or professional results that might arrive.

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)


Human Beings and Human Energies


© Anticipation from the book “Human Potential”, by Dr. Daniele Trevisani

The human being has its own global energy economy, a set of delicate balances from which he derives the degree of overall “power”, the ability to deal with cases, actions, challenges, problems, small or large, simple or complex, dominating them, or – otherwise – getting crushed.

The alchemy of the entire personal energy is tremendously complex. Even the local districts of the human system have their own local economy.

We examine not only the whole, but also specific parts. The energy economy covers both macro-regions (eg.: physical and mental) up, scale down, to touch very specific micro-economies.

There are local economies in the physical districts, like a shoulder, knee, stomach, and every other organ.

The same is true for the economies related to mental skills, such as concentration, situational awareness, sharp decision making.

The mind has its own global economies which leads it to work for better or worse, as well as economies in specific cognitive areas, eg., creativity in finding solutions decreases when we are overstressed, or under excessive emotional fatigue, while relaxation and mental training increases it.

Each district (both corporeal and cerebral) is also an open system, and is affected by the districts with which it interacts. The complex of individual energies is therefore articulate and it connects to the performance that the person may generate.

Each organ lives of exhaustible resources, has its capacity thresholds, specific levels of resistance to stress and breakage, which can not be ignored. When we ask too much to ourselves we break.

For example, rheumatologists and orthopedic doctors study the concept of “joint protection”, that is, the ” economy of the joint “: how much load it can hold, how much work it can absorbe, what can damage it, what activities can toughen it. But without a holistic approach, a doctor would not care of your joints economy. He would probably give you an anti-inflammatory and throw you out of the office, ignoring your need for stretching, integration, phisical activity, and the economics of your joint.

Each area of the body, such as a knee, has its local economy, and we can study how much a person can run without inflaming it, what are the physical activity that can strengthen it, or rather hurt it, what kind of nutrients are needed to keep the cartilage in good condition, and even the skills needed for lifting a heavy object without damaging it.

Asking people to give performance without studying (1) the state of the energies they have, and, (2) local economies most directly involved in the specific performance, is not our philosophy and not even an attitude of good leadership.


© Anticipation from the book “Human Potential”, by Dr. Daniele Trevisani

Fight against the giants


© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life

Aut vincere aut mori

Either to conquer or to die

Those who engage into Human Potential research are winners from the very start.

They are winner morally. But they have to take into account and incorporate the idea that failure will become a life companion, because the challenges are sometimes so large, huge, enormous… challenges against giants that seem so much bigger than us, and it seems useless to even try.

Well… some battles require us to adopt the Latin motto “Either to conquer or to die”, because there is really no sense in staying in the middle. Not for the battles that really matter.

  • Ridding the world of poverty, hunger and misery?
  • Making of every human being a happy creature?
  • Knowing the nature of man?
  • Understanding how the universe works?

Utopias, some say. Challenges, say others.

There is heroism around. There’s always been. It is found in anyone’s life will refuses make compromises with his/her values.

You find it everywhere. It appears in the eyes of someone who feels the spirit of research, the desire to understand, the desire to challenge ignorance, to change things for the better.

All these battles are worth fighting. If you are ready to lose, you can start. If you are interested in fighting, I’ll give you some good reason to fight. Coaching is about finding tools, training, and weapons, for your fight. We will fight this battle together.


“Yes, you’re right,”

Liu Kang said.

“We will all die, but not today, and not in this battle!”[1]


Pay attention here. I’m not talking necessarily of physical battles, fights or verbal arguments. There are enemies that deserve the clash but these are nothing compared to the mother of all battles: the battle for knowledge.

Searching a cure for a disease is a battle. Fighting injustice is a battle. The attempt to find clean energy for mankind is a battle. The desire to revolutionize transportation systems worldwide. When we will be able – thanks to “flying cars” or any really innovative transportation system – to live in a place and work in a place 2.000 km far, we will be really free, mankind will understand what freedom really is, it will be possible to revolutionize the concepts of jobs and living. Many call these ideas utopians: I like to call them “drivers”.

A battle is also the freedom to dream and fly with your mind.

Projects are nothing but fantasies put into practice.

We must give everyone the opportunity to study. We must feed people’s thirst for knowledge. An army of researchers with the common goal of exploring the depth of Human Potential is extremely powerful, it is an army that will defeat the darkness. We do not do it just for material satisfaction; we do it because it is right to do it.


Ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret

Nothing deters a good man from the performance of his duties

Personal Energy is the key for many challenges. From daily tasks as growing kids into conscious adults, to the study the most distant phenomena of the universe, or the inner processes of the mind. All of these challenges require strength and energy.

Energy is what you need to be able to dare, to travel with your mind, to go beyond current limitations. To dare is already an act. Without daring, no action that goes beyond the “status quo” (the given condition) is even possible.


Audere est facere

To dare is to do.


The fight lacks no enemies: physical suffering, pain, hunger, or intellectual misery, wherever it is. The fight against ignorance, the fight against bullying, violence, arrogance, intimidation, mental prisons, regimes and religions of oppression, of mental control over “thinkers” that refuse to give up, refuse to obey to the rule that generates the “Spiral of Silence”, a place where you cannot speak, you cannot dare, you cannot look beyond, you cannot state a different opinion.

Humanity is a sewer but there are also flowers in that sewer and every human being can flourish if nourished phisicall and mentally with good ingredients. This is the view of Human Potential.

Those who say that there is nothing to do for that, have already lost, mentally.

These are all battles. And we are so small against these giants. But we will fight anyway, and we will be more and more. 300 heroes defeated the Persians, and the Spartan Spirit is everywhere. It’s also inside me and you.


[1] Dialogue from Mortal Kombat: Existence. Chapter 9. Published: 09-12-06 on website


© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life

Living your life and not other’s memories

life pathlife choices

You’ve got to choose… so, on which side do you want to stay?

© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life


Living our life proudly and not only in other’s memories

Some humans stubbornly continue to pursue the battle to build something good, commit themselves, and keep themselves busy in trying to improve human condition and overall humanity. Others do not care, others, even worse, destroy. Which category you want to join?

Anyone who enlists in the first category shall enter into an elite, an immortal army to which thousands of unknown people belonged, people who have worked in the dark and in silence for a noble cause, but also persons who have become famous, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and who knows how many others. Whether you are part of known or unknown, of famous or forgotten, your struggle will always have sense.

There is a payoff in choosing to stay among those who try to improve freedom and enhance human potential: to look back afterwards and be satisfied of our very self and what we have tried to achieve.

Ampliat aetatis spatium sibi vir bonus; hoc est vivere bis vita posse priore frui

The good man extends the period of his life; it is to live twice, to enjoy with satisfaction the retrospect of our past life.


But this payoff is not the reason, it’s not the ultimate goal. The real goal is being proud now of what we are striving for. We do not have to wait until the final day for being proud. We can be proud in any single moment of our life, when we work on the right purposes.

Fama semper vivat

May his/her fame last forever (Ancient Latin motto)


But fame after death is not enough. It is what we look for in our daily life that makes it honorable, and if not memorable, who cares. Self-honor is now!

I really think that Leonardo da Vinci does not care, right now, about being famous. He’s dead. But I think he cared to know, while he was alive, he was working on something. Something important. Something that could change the world.

Why should we not try? Why should we castrate our very inner sense of freedom? Why living in misery if we can bring light in our path and try to improve our world? There is no religion that can tell you to suffer for the sake of suffering, or to stay in a cave when you can fly.

And if the battle is hard, do not fear hardness, do not retrieve in the mass if your path is taking your life towards life. Live like a hero in ordinary life.

Luctor et Emergo

I struggle (I fight) and I emerge

(Ancient Latin motto)

Be proud of what you are looking for. Be proud of yourself while you are doing your research. Be proud of be a freedom-searcher and truth seeker.

This is a very good way to honor life during life and not only in other’s memories.

Dum vivimus, vivamus –

While we live, let us live (Epicurean philosophy)



© Article by Dr. Daniele Trevisani – – Copyright. Adapted from the book The Soul Box. Ancient Wisdom meets Human Potential Research. Thoughts for Self-Expression, Inner Energy and Life