“Communication for Leadership: Coaching Leadership Skills”. New book from Daniele Trevisani, on Amazon, in English only

copertina Communication for Leadership

Book page: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H3S2UR2/

The Alchemist. Going beyond destiny: How Leaders can change their Mind, Body and Communication

People who practice disciplines as Martial Arts, Athletics, Yoga, Meditation, and several others, often have the perception that something is changing inside them. The system changes, attention increases, the mind and the body work differently.

The same holds true for practices that increase communication ability, such as Theatre and acting courses, public speaking training, communication training and leadership coaching, when the teaching becomes not just reading or listenging some speaker”, but gets to the level of action.

Real coaching requires action. An approach to communication skills coaching cannot be limited to theories. It becomes really effective when it reaches the level of “doing”, practicing, getting feedback, improving step by step.

The goal of good communicational coaching for leadership is an inner change, not just a change in external behaviors.

Inner change is a sensation that people start feeling after some “focusing” practice, an internal voice of change that is much deeper and subtle than a clear but external superficial sensation.

Improving communication skills for leadership is not a “5 minutes fast and easy recipe”, it is a deep inner evolution; it is a process that evolves, session after session. It requires trial and errors, courage, emotions. It affects both the external and observable communication patterns, but incredibly, also the body.

A real leader considers his/her body a sacred place, a tool for bringing his/her voice out of the brain and share it in teams and organizations, or listen to them, the foundation for action, and even the ground for personality.

Until now, the sensation of perceiving inner change, has remained a shadow-sensation relegated to some practicioners when confronted with their insights and self-reasoning. Our approach wishes to widen the scope of this “insight” and bring it to every leader.

Insight has to to do with “seeing”, seeing internally.

Any sight that is obscured by dirty lenses is useless, and can be even misleading and bring leaders to wrong judgements and distorted, low-power communication patterns.

Perception skills can be improved and amplified.

Dr. Daniele Trevisani http://www.danieletrevisani.com